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attack programing中文是什么意思

用"attack programing"造句"attack programing"怎么读"attack programing" in a sentence


  • 迎角程序控制


  • Attackers can use this fact to " slip through " data validators to attack programs
  • A software which pretends to be normally run but actually with attack programs on back ends
  • And one of the most common ways to attack programs is to exploit how they make requests to other programs
  • In allusion to present point attacking program , calculated the detecting probability for the rocket - assisted torpedo , and analyses effect of some important parameter
  • On the one hand , the combination of information techenology with governmant management , finance , public service , education , medical treatment , traditional business brings a big new market ; on the other hand , although the computerization brings high efficiency and friendly service , it also brings the threat , risk and duty . the information on web is often to be wiretapped , to be tampered or to be destroyed . all kinds of network attack programs are to be diffused
  • The characteristic of anomaly traffics is that it breaks out without any omen and can destroy networks and computers in a short time ( for instance , the outburst of traffic behavior caused by specific attack programs or worm burst ) . therefore , to detect anomaly rapidly and accurately is one of the precondition of ensuring the efficient network operation and detection of anomalous traffic has become the attractive and valuable subject in the present academic and industrial circles
    异常流量的特点是发作突然,先兆特征未知,可以在短时间内给网络或网络上的计算机带来极大的危害(例如由特定的攻击程序或蠕虫爆发所引起的突发流量行为) ,因此准确、快速地检测网络流量的异常行为,并做出合理的响应是保证网络有效运行的前提之一,也是目前学术界和工业界共同关注的前沿课题之一。
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